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Here it is:

  • Your "I need a break" site

  • Your feel-good media collection

  • Your politics-free zone

  • Your place to recharge

  • Your online inspiration

  • Your reminder that there are good people doing nice things, pretty much everywhere you look​

Plenty nice,

don't you think?

Why nice?


The world is hard.
Here's a nice place to relax.

Nice isn’t just an imperative (“Be nice to your brother!”), but can also describe a treat (“Homemade cookies? Nice.”), denote a pleasant respite (“Such a nice cozy café.”), or even express gratitude (“You colored that picture for me? How nice!”)


Don’t we all need more of that? That sweetness? That goodness? That sense of rest? And maybe even that reminder to share the toys with our brothers?


Holding Hands

Real stories about simple acts of kindness

open book with bookmark knotted into a heart shape

Nice Books

Comfort food for your movie-night
Record Equipment

To add to your "happy" playlist

recent posts

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