My email inbox has been blowing up with news lately--good news. Thanks to all of you who share with me the small kindnesses happening all around us (and I'd love to hear more). Three of my favorite stories:

Nine-year-old Taran Tien and his younger sister Calliope knew their neighbor was in self-isolation, so they decided to brighten her day with a concert. They dressed in their best clothes (as befits a concert) and took their cellos over to Helena Schlam’s front porch, where they played a short concert of music ranging from Bach to “Go Tell Aunt Rhody.”

Kind-hearted souls in Naples, Italy are hanging “solidarity baskets” from their balconies. The idea began with Pina Andelora and her partner Angelo Picone, who understood that the closure of the city’s soup kitchens would mean hard times for the homeless. "We realized there's the issue of safety and social distance," Picone told "So we relied on an old Neapolitan custom— lowering food baskets from our balcony.” The baskets have notes attached to them that read, "Those who can, put something in, those who can't, help yourself."It’s working: Some neighbors fill the baskets with nonperishables, while other, less fortunate neighbors get something to eat.

Karen Evelith trained her golden retriever Sunny to deliver groceries to her quarantined neighbor Renee Helmann. "Little things like Sunny coming over is nice, and it makes you feel good," said Renee. I bet watching this short video of Sunny (who's a very good girl) will make you feel good, too.