“Psst, you… Yes, you! FREE GIFT INSIDE.” So said a note inside a baggie I found under a cedar tree in the woods where I walk our dog.
Free gift? Who wouldn’t want a free gift? Especially a mysterious-present-from-the-universe gift?
“I bet it’s from Darius or Rowan,” I told my husband. The two little boys often wander the same forest of path with their dad. But no, it was from an anonymous stranger. Inside the baggie were several small gifts: a hematite stone, a piece of Palo Santo (Holy Wood) incense, a dragonfly charm, a wisteria seed, a little angel statue, and a bubble wand necklace. The headline on the little typed note included said, “Seeds of love from me to you in gratitude for prayers answered and blessings and miracles received.” The rest of the note explained the meaning of each tiny present-- “Carry the dragonfly charm to add lightness to your life.” The note was dated and initialed, with a small handwritten note on the back: “I am sowing seeds of love.”
I wondered about the giver and I wondered about the prayers answered and miracles received but mostly I just enjoyed a sense of surprised…abundance. The gift made me think about all of the anonymous gifts I receive every day. Some are given by people, like the gift baggie and the two perfect snap pea pods someone left for me in my community garden plot (there’s only one in the photo because I ate one before thinking of taking a picture). Some might be from animals: I have found polished rocks and shiny marbles in places where crows—those lovers of sparkle—hang out. And some are definitely from the universe: the smell of our blooming mimosa tree, the site of bunnies frolicking in the evening grass, the cool mist of summer rain, the silly look on my dog’s face when he’s playing, the sound of my husband’s laugh…
I could go on and on (and I often do), but I guess what I really want to say in this piece is thank you to all of the anonymous givers. Even the crows.