You've probably heard about "forest bathing." It's the idea that spending time in nature, especially around trees, is good for our mental and physical health. It certainly works for me, and my husband (who can be a bit of a skeptic) was surprised how good he felt after a walk outside with me (of course, it could've been me, rather than the trees:).

Take time the next few weeks to really savor the crisp autumn air, the drifting leaves, and the scent of apples. Still need a little convincing to get out of the house? Check out this article from the Greater Good Science Center at Berkeley that says that studies show that "spending time in a forest can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and anger; strengthen the immune system; improve cardiovascular and metabolic health; and boost overall well-being."
No forests near you? That's okay. Harvard Health says that just being outside can boost Vitamin D levels, help you exercise more, make you happier, improve concentration, and even make you heal faster.
So what are you waiting for? It's beautiful outside. Get out!