Someone left this lovely painted rock in my friend Holly's front garden. She said she's spotted other little rock gifts all over the neighborhood. Isn't that great? Wouldn't it make your day to find an unexpected present? And wouldn't it make your week to know you made someone happy with an anonymous present? Bonus joy: You get to have fun creating something.
If you're not adept at rock painting, you can create other surprises. Leave a favorite book on the doorstep of someone who might like it. Slip a pretty bookmark in a library book. Make a bouquet of wildflowers and/or fall leaves in a jar. Leave Post-It notes with messages of kindness in the grocery store. Compliment someone on their smile (in a non-creepy fashion:) Need more ideas? Check out Guerrilla Goodness, Random Acts of Kindness, or check out this Pinterest board. And if you do share a random act of kindness, or if someone shows you one, I'd love to hear about it!