If you're like me, you need a little boost in the morning, like coffee or a kiss--something nice to begin your day. Even if you're a morning person, I suspect your day would be better if you began it with something positive or peaceful.
Like many people I know, I used to have my home page set to a news site. It seemed like the equivalent of my parents' morning paper. But I found that reading the news first thing stole some of my energy for the day, making it harder to focus on the tasks I needed to accomplish. I briefly considered setting it to a social media page, but knew that would distract me even further. I finally decided to set my home page to The Daily Otter. The site is yes, just silly pictures of otters, but omigosh it makes a difference in how I approach my day (and I still read the news later).
It's a tough time right now, and I suspect many of us could benefit with a positive tweak to our daily routines, so I'd like to suggest some home pages that may just make your day a little brighter. There are several good news/kindness sites listed on plentynice.com, but if you'd like something even simpler, you might consider:
The Daily Otter: https://dailyotter.org/
Astronomy Picture of the Day: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
Mann Library's Haiku of the Day: http://haiku.mannlib.cornell.edu/
Nature 365 Daily Videos: https://nature365.tv/ (I've mentioned these videos in a previous post. I just love them,)