(First of all, my apologies. I had no idea it'd been so long since I'd posted! And then I posted without giving you the link to Tish's list:)

"Our world needs repair. Here’s how to be part of the solution." That's how Tish Harrison Warren opens her essay today in The New York Times. She goes on to give us eleven completely doable ways to help mend the world.
1. Have more in-person conversations.
2. Get outside.
3. Eschew mobs—online and in real life.
4. Read books.
5. Give money away.
6. Invest in institutions more than personal brands.
7. Invest in children.
8. Observe a Sabbath.
9. Make a steel man of others’ arguments. (I found this "repair" especially helpful, though not easy.)
10. Practice patience.
11. Pray.
As you might surmise from #11, Tish writes from a spiritual perspective, specifically a Christian one. If that's not your cup of tea, just skip the first couple intro paragraphs of the essay. I think you'll find it worthwhile, and even hopeful.