Though the title of this post may sound a bit cliched, The Dig is literally a movie for the ages: past, present, and future. On its surface, it's a film about an English widow who hires an amateur archeologist to unearth mounds on her land, right on the eve of WWII. But I think it's really about time: what the past can teach us about our present, and how it lends us hope for the future. It's about love in all its forms. It's about death and what lasts afterward.
Can you tell I love this movie? It's thoughtfully written, beautifully directed, and acted by two of my favorites: Ralph Fiennes and Cary Mulligan. You can read a review and watch a trailer here, and watch the entire film on Netflix. If I still haven't convinced you to watch it, maybe this will tip you over: My husband cried while watching it - the first time in 20+ years of marriage.