If you're like me, a little escape feels good about now. You're in luck: Ali's Wedding is available to stream on Netflix right this minute. It's a wonderfully charming film about love: the love of family, of a community, and of a girl. The wrong girl, of course, which creates both laugh-out-loud and "No, don't!" moments, as well as a lovely old-fashioned romance. There's a lot of joy in this movie and it's based on a true story!

"Walker's debut mines rapid-fire laughs and bountiful heart from a story of romantic misadventure set in train by a young man desperate to live up to his father's expectations." The Hollywood Reporter
Ali's Wedding is now posted on our nice movie page (which has a lot of other movies you might enjoy right now). You can watch the trailer here, but I suggest you don't watch the entire trailer--I think it gives away a bit too much of the plot.